Desktop Icons For The Hand

The following icons will be available on the server laptop desktop for launching and controlling the right, left and bi-manual hands. These icons will be located inside a folder named after your container name on the desktop. You might need to right Click with your mouse and select ‘Allow Launching’.

When running a bimanual system, due to all the combinations of icons that are possible we split the icons into sub-folders, to make it easier to select the right icons.

Main desktop icons

Icon text

Icon explanation

Shadow ROS Logs Saver and Uploader

Saves ROS logs from server and NUC, uploads them to Shadow servers and emails them to Shadow

Launch Shadow Right Hand

Launches the right hand (container, ROS core, NUC hardware control loop, server GUI)

Launch Shadow Left Hand

Launches the left hand (container, ROS core, NUC hardware control loop, server GUI)

Launch Shadow Bimanual Hands

Launches the both hands (container, ROS core, NUC hardware control loop, server GUI)

Shadow NUC RQT

Once the hand has been launched, this icon starts ROS RQT inside the NUC’s docker container

Dexterous Hand Documentation

Opens online documentation if internet connected or offline documentation if no internet

Shadow Close Everything

Cleanly stops ROS processes, closes containers, and closes all Shadow related terminals

Shadow Demos folder

The following icons will be available in the Shadow Demos folder. They will only work once the hand has been launched.

Icon text

Icon explanation

Close Left Hand

Once the hand has been launched, this icon will close (pack) the left hand

Close Right Hand

Once the hand has been launched, this icon will close (pack) the right hand

Close Bimanual Hands

Once bimanual hands have been launched, this icon will close (pack) both hands

Biotac Demo Left Hand/Demo Left Hand

Once the hand has been launched, this icon will run various (tactile/keyboard-actived) left hand demos

Biotac Demo Right Hand/Demo Right Hand

Once the hand has been launched, this icon will run various (tactile/keyboard-actived) right hand demos

Biotac Demo Bimanual Hands/Demo Bimanual Hands

Once bimanual hands have been launched, this icon will run various (tactile/keyboard-actived) bimanual hands demos

Open Left Hand

Once the hand has been launched, this icon will fully open the left hand

Open Right Hand

Once the hand has been launched, this icon will fully open the right hand

Open Bimanual Hands

Once bimanual hands have been launched, this icon will fully open both hands

Simulation folder

The simulation folder gives you icons that automatically launch the hand in simulation mode on your local server.

Icon text

Icon explanation

Launch Shadow Bimanual Hands Simulation

Sets up a bimanual simulation robot with Rviz and Gazebo

Launch Shadow Left Hand Simulation

Sets up a left hand simulation robot with Rviz and Gazebo

Launch Shadow Right Hand Simulation

Sets up a right hand simulation robot with Rviz and Gazebo

Shadow Advanced Launchers folder

The following icons will be available in the Shadow Advanced Launchers folder.

  • If an icon in Shadow Advanced Launchers starts with a number, it is meant to be run in numerical sequence after the lower-numbered icons.

  • If an icon in Shadow Advanced Launchers doesn’t start with a number, it can be run independently

The Launch Shadow Right/Left/Bi-manual Hand(s) icon in the main desktop is equivalent to launching:

  • 1 - Launch Server Container

  • 2 - Launch Server ROSCORE

  • 3 - Launch NUC Container and Right/Left/Bi-manual Hands Hardware Control Loop

  • 4 - Launch Server Right/Left/Bi-manual GUI

However, with the Shadow Advanced Launcher icons, you can have more granular and customised control of launching different parts of the Shadow software.

Unimanual Icons (Either left or right hand)

Icon text

Icon explanation

1 - Launch Server Container

Launches the server laptop’s docker container

2 - Launch Server ROSCORE

Launches the ROSCORE inside the server laptop’s docker container

3 - Launch NUC Container and Right/Left Hand Hardware Control Loop

SSH’es to the NUC, starts its container, and launches the right hand realtime control loop

3 - Zero Force Mode - Right/Left Hand

Launches the right hand (connected to NUC) in zero force mode (fingers can be moved easily)

4 - Launch Server Right/Left Hand GUI

Launches the GUI (Rviz) on server laptop for the right hand

Launch NUC Container

SSH’es to the NUC, starts NUC’s container and starts a terminal session inside it

Local Launch/Launch Local Shadow Right/Left Hand

Launches the right hand (connected to server laptop) using the same USB-Ethernet adapter

Local Launch/Local Zero Force Mode - Right/Left Hand

Launches the right hand (connected to server) in zero force mode (fingers can be moved easily)

Bimanual Icons

Icon text

Icon explanation

Right Side/1 - Launch Server Container

Launches the server laptop’s docker container

Right Side/2 - Launch Server ROSCORE

Launches the ROSCORE inside the server laptop’s docker container

Right Side/3 - Launch NUC Container and Right Hand Hardware Control Loop

SSH’es to the NUC, starts its container, and launches the right hand realtime control loop

Right Side/3 - Zero Force Mode - Right Hand

Launches the right hand (connected to NUC) in zero force mode (fingers can be moved easily)

Right Side/4 - Launch Server Right Hand GUI

Launches the GUI (Rviz) on server laptop for the right hand

Left Side/1 - Launch Server Container

Launches the server laptop’s docker container

Left Side/2 - Launch Server ROSCORE

Launches the ROSCORE inside the server laptop’s docker container

Left Side/3 - Launch NUC Container and Left Hand Hardware Control Loop

SSH’es to the NUC, starts its container, and launches the left hand realtime control loop

Left Side/3 - Zero Force Mode - Left Hand

Launches the left hand (connected to NUC) in zero force mode (fingers can be moved easily)

Left Side/4 - Launch Server Left Hand GUI

Launches the GUI (Rviz) on server laptop for the

Bimanual/1 - Launch Server Container

Launches the server laptop’s docker container

Bimanual/2 - Launch Server ROSCORE

Launches the ROSCORE inside the server laptop’s docker container

Bimanual/3 - Launch NUC Container and Bimanual Hands Hardware Control Loop

SSH’es to the NUC, starts its container, and launches the bimanual realtime control loop

Bimanual/4 - Launch Server Bimanuals GUI

Launches the GUI (Rviz) on server laptop for the bimanual hands

Local Launch/Launch Local Shadow Right Hand

Launches the right hand (connected to server laptop) using the same USB-Ethernet adapter

Local Launch/Launch Local Shadow Left Hand

Launches the left hand (connected to server laptop) using the same USB-Ethernet adapter

Local Launch/Launch Local Shadow Bimanual Hands

Launches bimanual hands (connected to server laptop) using the same USB-Ethernet adapters

Local Launch/Local Zero Force Mode - Right Hand

Launches the right hand (connected to server) in zero force mode (fingers can be moved easily)

Local Launch/Local Zero Force Mode - Left Hand

Launches the left hand (connected to server) in zero force mode (fingers can be moved easily)

Launch NUC Container

SSH’es to the NUC, starts NUC’s container and starts a terminal session inside it

Launch Server Container

Launches the server laptop’s docker container